Jumat, 03 September 2010

Keeping Kids Active

Keeping Kids Active

Anyone who's seen kids on a playground knows that most are naturally physically active and love to move around. But what might not be apparent is that climbing to the top of a slide or swinging from the monkey bars can help lead kids to a lifetime of being active.

As they get older, it can be a challenge for kids to get enough daily activity. Reasons include increasing demands of school, a feeling among some kids that they aren't good at sports, a lack of active role models, and busy working families.

And even if kids have the time and the desire to be active, parents may not feel comfortable letting them freely roam the neighborhood as kids once did. So their opportunities might be limited.

Despite these barriers, parents can instill a love of activity and help kids fit it into their everyday routines. Doing so can establish healthy patterns that will last into adulthood.
Benefits of Being Active

When kids are active, their bodies can do the things they want and need them to do. Why? Because regular exercise provides these benefits:

* strong muscles and bones
* weight control
* decreased risk of developing type 2 diabetes
* better sleep
* a better outlook on life

Healthy, physically active kids also are more likely to be academically motivated, alert, and successful. And physical competence builds self-esteem at every age.

What Motivates Kids?

So there's a lot to gain from regular physical activity, but how do you encourage kids to do it? The three keys are:

1. Choosing the right activities for a child's age: If you don't, the child may be bored or frustrated.
2. Giving kids plenty of opportunity to be active: Kids need parents to make activity easy by providing equipment and taking them to playgrounds and other active spots.
3. Keeping the focus on fun: Kids won't do something they don't enjoy.

When kids enjoy an activity, they want to do more of it. Practicing a skill — whether it's swimming or riding a tricycle — improves their abilities and helps them feel accomplished, especially when the effort is noticed and praised. These good feelings often make kids want to continue the activity and even try others.
Age-Appropriate Activities

The best way for kids to get physical activity is by incorporating physical activity into their daily routine. Toddlers to teens need at least 60 minutes on most (preferably all) days. This can include free play at home, active time at school, and participation in classes or organized sports.

Here's Some Age-Based Advice:

Preschoolers: Preschoolers need play and exercise that helps them continue to develop important motor skills — kicking or throwing a ball, playing tag or follow the leader, hopping on one foot, riding a bike, freeze dancing, or running obstacle courses.

Although some sports leagues may be open to kids as young as 4, organized and team sports are not recommended until they're a little older. Preschoolers can't understand complex rules and often lack the attention span, skills, and coordination needed to play sports. Instead of learning to play a sport, they should work on fundamental skills.

School-age: With school-age kids spending more time on sedentary pursuits like watching TV and playing computer games, the challenge for parents is to help them find physical activities they enjoy and feel successful doing. These can range from traditional sports like baseball and basketball to Scouting, biking, camping, hiking, and other outdoor pursuits.

As kids learn basic skills and simple rules in the early school-age years, there might only be a few athletic standouts. As kids get older, differences in ability and personality become more apparent. Commitment and interest level often go along with ability, which is why it's important to find an activity that's right for your child. Schedules start getting busy during these years, but don't forget to set aside some time for free play.

Teenagers: Teens have many choices when it comes to being active — from school sports to after-school interests, such as yoga or skateboarding. It's important to remember that physical activity must be planned and often has to be sandwiched between various responsibilities and commitments.

Do what you can to make it easy for your teen to exercise by providing transportation and the necessary gear or equipment (including workout clothes). In some cases, the right clothes and shoes might help a shy teen feel comfortable biking or going to the gym.

Kids' Fitness Personalities

In addition to a child's age, it's important to consider his or her fitness personality. Personality traits, genetics, and athletic ability combine to influence kids' attitudes toward participation in sports and other physical activities, particularly as they get older.

Which of these three types best describes your child?

1. The nonathlete: This child may lack athletic ability, interest in physical activity, or both.

2. The casual athlete: This child is interested in being active but isn't a star player and is at risk of getting discouraged in a competitive athletic environment.

3. The athlete: This child has athletic ability, is committed to a sport or activity, and likely to ramp up practice time and intensity of competition.

If you understand the concepts of temperament and fitness types, you'll be better able to help your kids find the right activities and get enough exercise — and find enjoyment in physical activity. Some kids want to pursue excellence in a sport, while others may be perfectly happy and fit as casual participants.

The athlete, for instance, will want to be on the basketball team, while the casual athlete may just enjoy shooting hoops in the playground or on the driveway. The nonathlete is likely to need a parent's help and encouragement to get and stay physically active. That's why it's important to encourage kids to remain active even through they aren't top performers.

Whatever their fitness personality, all kids can be physically fit. A parent's positive attitude will help a child who's reluctant to exercise.

Be active yourself and support your kids' interests. If you start this early enough, they'll come to regard activity as a normal — and fun — part of your family's everyday routine.

Reviewed by: Mary L. Gavin, MD
Date reviewed: February 2009

5 Tips Mengatasi Masalah Hidup dengan Mengoptimalkan Kekuatan dalam Diri Kita

* The Power of Kepepet. Terkait khususnya dengan sikap suka menunda pekerjaan, salah satu cara mengatasinya dengan menggunakan the power of kepepet. Katakan pada diri kita kalau kita punya waktu tak lama. Mungkin lima menit atau 10 menit untuk menyelesaikan pekerjaan yang harus kita lakukan. Bahkan mungkin dengan pernyataan yang lebih ekstrem, katakan kalau mungkin ini aktivitas terakhir yang bisa kita lakukan di dunia ini. Saya yakin kita akan melakukannya dengan penuh kesungguhan dan tak ada lagi penundaan. Waktu yang singkat akan menekan kita bekerja cepat. Dalam situasi kepepet kita kerap bisa bertindak luar biasa.
* Cintai Apa yang Anda Lakukan. Apapun profesi atau pekerjaan anda, dan apapun yang anda lakukan, lakukanlah itu dengan penuh kecintaan. Bila kita mencintai apa yang kita lakukan, tak ada kata malas, tak ada kata payah, tak ada kata putus asa. Lakukan yang anda suka dan kebahagiaan akan mengikuti anda. Bisa dalam bentuk uang atau hal lain yang jauh lebih membahagiakan yang tak dapat ditukar hanya sekedar oleh harta.
* STOP Berpikir Negatif. Positif dan negatif merupakan kedua hal yang selalu akan berdampingan sampai kapanpun. Namun bila kita selalu hanya terjebak dalam kubangan pikiran negatif tak akan pernah ada waktu untuk melihat sebuah persoalan dengan jernih. Misalkan saja kita berkata “ah ini kan sulit”, “mana mungkin saya bisa,” dan segala macam pernyataan sejenis yang hanya melihat aspek negatif suatu hal.
Segera alihkan perhatian anda pada hal yang positif. Pada peluang baik dan kesempatan positif dari setiap hal atau peristiwa yang terjadi. Bisa sebagai sebuah kesempatan untuk belajar, untuk menjadi insan yang lebih baik, untuk mendapatkan penghasilan tambahan, untuk membangun jaringan yang lebih luas, untuk meraih cita-cita anda, atau apapun itu.
Kalau kita melihat sisi positifnya, dan bukan pada sisi negatifnya, ketakutan yang selama ini menjalar pada diri anda akan berkurang. Dan anda akan merasa menjadi pribadi yang lebih baik, lebih optimis, dan penuh semangat.
* Buat Komitmen. Kadang saya dengar pengkomentar yang misal mengetakan sedang kehilangan motivasi atau kurang bersemangat menjalani hidup. Kuncinya, berkomitmenlah secara jujur pada diri kita sendiri. Buat komitmen untuk menjalani hidup yang lebih baik dari detik ke detik, dari menit ke menit, dari jam ke jam, dari hari ke hari, dan dari satu aktivitas ke aktivitas berikutnya.
Kemudian katakan komitmen itu pada orang-orang di sekitar anda. Ceritakan perkembangan atau kegiatan yang telah anda lakukan terkait komitmen anda sekecil apapun itu pada orang yang sudah anda beritahu tadi.
Kita harus bertanggung jawab pada komitmen yang sudah dibuat. Jangan buat malu diri kita sendiri. Jadikan komitmen yang telah kita katakan sebagai penjaga semangat kita.
* Mulai ACTION saja. Ya, selanjutnya ACTION saja. Saat mulai ACTION, berarti anda mulai bergerak. Tidak lagi berada di tempat yang sama. Anda sudah melakukan sebuah kemajuan. Sekecil apapun itu! Daripada hanya mengkhawatirkan hal yang tidak jelas atau berangan-angan tanpa pangkal ujung, mulai ACTION saja. Segalanya akan lebih mudah saat anda mulai ACTION.

from : http://www.jokosusilo.com/2009/07/18/5-tips-mengatasi-masalah-hidup-dengan-mengoptimalkan-kekuatan-dalam-diri-kita/


UFO berbentuk bola cahaya terlihat terbang mendahului sebuah mobil di Brazil

Seorang pengusaha sedang menyetir mobilnya di sepanjang jalan tol dekat Palmas, Tocantins, Brazil. Sedang asyik-asyiknya berkendara, tiba-tiba ia melihat sebuah bola cahaya yang sangat terang terbang mendekati mobilnya.

Bola cahaya itu segera menyamai kecepatan mobil yang dikendarainya. Dan dalam hitungan detik, ia sudah ada di depan mobil. Refleks, pria itu segera mengambil ponselnya dan memotret objek misterius itu.

Pria itu memastikan bahwa bola cahaya tersebut bukan refleksi lampu blitz kamera karena ia tidak menyalakannya ketika memotret objek tersebut.

Walaupun sukar dipercaya, namun jalan tol yang dilaluinya memang merupakan sebuah wilayah yang dipenuhi dengan penampakan bola cahaya aneh. Sebelumnya beberapa saksi lain pernah melaporkan melihat objek metalik misterius yang terbang di atas jalan tol tersebut.

Notes :
Walaupun kisah mengenai UFO menarik, sebenarnya saya tidak terlalu suka memposting foto UFO karena banyaknya hoax yang beredar. Namun jika saya tidak bisa memastikan palsunya sebuah foto, saya rasa tidak ada salahnya mempostingnya, just for your info. Soal apa yang kalian percayai, saya kembalikan kepada masing-masing pembaca.
