Jumat, 05 Maret 2010


Rhoma Irama is an Indonesian dangdut singer and actor. He was born on December 11, 1946, in Tasikmalaya, West Java. During the height of his stardom in the 1970s, he became the self-proclaimed Raja Dangdut (King of Dangdut) with his group Soneta.

He was known as his stage name Oma Irama before he made a pilgrimage to Mecca and became a haji. He later took the name Rhoma Irama, which is an abbreviation of "Raden Haji Oma Irama". Rhoma Irama is a member of aristocrat class of Sundanese from both his father,Raden Burdah Anggawirya, and mother line.

He has some characteristic such as his face is rather square, he has beard on his chin, his hair is wavy, etc. His body is proportional when he was young. But now his body is fat.

His career began in the late 1960s when he recorded solo records and with the group Orkes Melayu Purnama. He sang duets on several record LPs with Indonesian female vocal stars such as Inneke Kusumawati, Ellya Khadam, Lily Junaedhy, Vivi Sumanti, and the later to be crowned 'Queen of Dangdut', Elvy Sukaesih. Once Oma broke from recording with the Purnama Group, he eventually formed Orkes Melayu Soneta, the first so-called Dangdut group. In fact, Oma established the term "Dangdut" with a song by that name from the early 70's. He wrote the classics "Kareta Malam" and "Kuda Lumping" which were sung by Elvy Sukaesih. Once Soneta was established in the early 70's, Oma changed his name to Rhoma and went on a decade long run of successful hit records and films, all of which starred Rhoma playing himself while performing all of his hits.

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UFO berbentuk bola cahaya terlihat terbang mendahului sebuah mobil di Brazil

Seorang pengusaha sedang menyetir mobilnya di sepanjang jalan tol dekat Palmas, Tocantins, Brazil. Sedang asyik-asyiknya berkendara, tiba-tiba ia melihat sebuah bola cahaya yang sangat terang terbang mendekati mobilnya.

Bola cahaya itu segera menyamai kecepatan mobil yang dikendarainya. Dan dalam hitungan detik, ia sudah ada di depan mobil. Refleks, pria itu segera mengambil ponselnya dan memotret objek misterius itu.

Pria itu memastikan bahwa bola cahaya tersebut bukan refleksi lampu blitz kamera karena ia tidak menyalakannya ketika memotret objek tersebut.

Walaupun sukar dipercaya, namun jalan tol yang dilaluinya memang merupakan sebuah wilayah yang dipenuhi dengan penampakan bola cahaya aneh. Sebelumnya beberapa saksi lain pernah melaporkan melihat objek metalik misterius yang terbang di atas jalan tol tersebut.

Notes :
Walaupun kisah mengenai UFO menarik, sebenarnya saya tidak terlalu suka memposting foto UFO karena banyaknya hoax yang beredar. Namun jika saya tidak bisa memastikan palsunya sebuah foto, saya rasa tidak ada salahnya mempostingnya, just for your info. Soal apa yang kalian percayai, saya kembalikan kepada masing-masing pembaca.
